
Thursday July 25th

Swordfish: Water games are cancelled today.

Sharks and Holiday club: Weather has changed our plans, pick up from the Presby at 4:15pm

Wednesday July 24th

Shrimps: Parents can come at 3:45pm today to see a little bit of what the group have been up to!

Parents Evening: Tonight at 7-9pm at Nazarene Community Church, Burnaby Ave, A63 YD27.

Beach Service Moved - Meeting in Hillside Evangelical Church A63 C927, at 11:15am

Tuesday July 23rd

Sprats: bring Teddy Bear and dress up costumes.

Sardines: are doing chipper crawl. Bring €2 this evening.

Holiday Club: meeting at 2:30pm at the 2nd arch for a walk.

Monday July 22nd

Beach Service Moved - Meeting in Hillside Evangelical Church A63 C927, at 11:15am

14th - 26th July 2024

Greystones CSSM is back!

Our 2-week Summer Mission is kicking off this weekend - From the 14th-26th July, Scripture Union will be moving into Greystones! With programs running for all ages across the two weeks, make sure you get booked in. We’d love to see you there!

This year our theme is ‘Kingdom Come’. In the Lord's Prayer, we pray, "Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven." But what Kingdom are we talking about? Who is the King? What does it mean to build God's Kingdom? These are just some of the things we hope to explore together over the two weeks. Each day, we will delve into different moments from Jesus’ Sermon On The Mount, seeking to gain a deeper understanding of these questions. We will be discussing these insights with the kids and families on the beach and in our groups!

Rock Service

Sunday 14th of July at 3pm

Location: Cliff Road Greystones

All ages and families welcome.

Beach Service

Every morning at 11:15am

Location: Greystones South Beach

All ages and families welcome.

Daily Program

The daily program for each group will include a mix of games, arts & crafts, songs, bible talks and a high measure of fun. The choice of CSSM group is based on the school class/year each child will be attending in September 2024.

  • Shrimps is for kids entering Junior or Senior Infants. Shrimps takes place at St Patrick’s National School, and has their afternoon session 14:30-16:00. The Shrimps Team Leader is Rebekah Daly.

  • Sprats is for kids entering into 1st and 2nd Class. Sprats takes place at St Patrick’s National School, and has their afternoon session 14:30-16:00. The Sprats Team Leader is Adam Jackson.

  • Swordfish is for kids entering into 3rd and 4th Class. Swordfish takes place at Nazarene Community Church, and has their afternoon sessions 14:45-16:15, and their evening sessions 19:00-20:45. The Swordfish Team Leader is Rachel Patterson.

  • Sardines is for kids entering into 5th Class, 6th Class and 1st Year. Sardines takes place at Hillside Evangelical in the afternoon, and in the evening. They have their afternoon sessions 14:45-16:15, and their evening sessions 19:00-20:45. The Sardines Team Leader is Josh Boyd.

  • Sharks is for teens entering into 2nd and 3rd Year. Sharks takes place at St Patrick’s Church of Ireland, and has their afternoon sessions 14:45-16:15, and their evening sessions 19:00-21:00. The Sharks Team Leader is Ben Patterson.

  • Holiday Club is for teens entering into 4th, 5th and 6th Year, and those who have just finished their Leaving Cert. Holiday Club takes place at Greystones Presbyterian, and has their afternoon sessions 14:30-16:00, and their evening sessions 19:00-21:00. The Holiday Club Team Leaders are Mary Theresa Clancy and Andrew Mullen.

For Live Updates follow our Instagram

Donate to CSSM

Your donation goes directly to the running of CSSM Beach Mission!

Thank you!