Governance and Financials


Company Registration number: 595870

Registered with the Charities Regulator number: 20204664 

Revenue Charity number: CHY 22745

CHY no. 22745 

CRO no. 595870

SU Mission Statement

Working with the churches, Scripture Union aims to make God's news known to children, young people and families and to encourage people of all ages to meet God daily through the Bible and prayer so that they may come to personal faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, grow in Christian Maturity and become both committed church members and servants of a world in need.

SU Ireland’s Board of Directors currently comprises:

Alison Gill (Chairperson)

Basil Good

Bruce Mullen

Dirk van der Flier

Scripture Union became a company limited by guarantee (CLG) on 01 April 2017