Hello from SU National Leader

Welcome to SU Inspire Blog, your spring window into the ministry of Scripture Union Ireland.

We deeply value your support and trust that the stories within these pages will leave you inspired and uplifted as you read about what God is doing through our ministry. Kicking off this year, we hosted a vibrant young adult retreat themed ‘Seek First,’ drawing over 70 individuals aged 18-30. This theme, inspired by Matthew 6:33 “seek first the kingdom of God,” reflects our team’s desire to discern God’s plan to guide SU Ireland’s direction and activity.
As our organisation has undergone significant changes in recent years, including restructuring our framework, we recognise the importance of communicating the breadth of work and activity undertaken by our ministry.

SU Ireland operates under the oversight of a volunteer Council and a staff leadership team managing various ministry departments. Comprising three interwoven areas of ministry, our mission is to bring the good news of Jesus to the youth of Ireland through camps, retreats, events and resourcing and supporting those who work with young people. Ovoca Manor, situated in the picturesque vale of Avoca, Wicklow, serves as our Retreat Centre headed up by Stephen Mullarkey. Sharon Lynch leads our Resources ministry, while Jonny Somerville extends the impact of our resources on a global scale. Mark Murray leads the Youth Development Team, overseeing camps, retreats, events, and engagement with youth and youth workers. In this edition, you’ll hear from each of these team members and hear about recent activities and our aspirations for the ministry in 2024.

Thank you for your continued prayer and support.

Meet the New Team Members

We are thrilled to announce some significant additions to our team as we continue to expand our efforts to serve and support young people throughout Ireland. Join us in extending a warm welcome to Stephen, Lezanne, Suzie and Hannah.

  • My name is Suzie, I'm from Co.Wicklow and I'm married to Jer. We have two children. Before having children, I worked for Youth for Christ and more recently, I set up a part time business selling toys and games online. With my kids getting older, I decided it was time to look for another part time job so when I heard Erica Anderson was stepping down I thought it was a good fit for me, having worked with vetting and volunteers in my YFC role and having attended SU events since being a child. I was delighted when I was offered the job and I look forward to getting to know all our amazing volunteers in person and through the SU Volunteering App - Better Impact.

  • Once my brother Sean became a Youth Worker with Scripture Union, my whole world was opened up to Ovoca Manor and SU camps! I loved being a participant at any and every camp, I quickly shifted into being a leader and this is where I found lots of Joy! At one particular time I did 6 weeks of SU camps in a row through a summer and I was also involved in 12 CSSMs in Greystones and it was just all fun and all so fulfilling! 

    Meeting amazing people, in such a friendly, wholesome, Godly environment was always so special and I felt so blessed to play any role at camps with any age range. I spent  9 years working in a homeless hostel looking after 50 men each night, and 12 years doing youth work with kids and teens in The Liberties of Dublin All this experience with many different people from lots of varied backgrounds helped to form me into the person I am now.

    So my last night as a youth worker was at a community Halloween event on Oct 31st and then I drove to Ovoca manor the next morning, Nov 1st, to start this new role as Centre Manager. So far I have seen lots of different groups, clubs and churches come through and all appreciate how special a place we have here at Ovoca Manor. The wonderful team here have made me very welcome and I am so very grateful for all their input and support so far.

    I hope to get to know more groups and schools in the community, have more people up here to use the sports hall, for locals to see us as their friendly neighbours and to make every group that stays here feel as welcome as possible. This is a very special place, God has his hands upon Ovoca Manor and the people who attend here and it’s a such a privilege to be involved in this ministry

  • My name is Lezanne Snyman. I was born in South Africa but my family moved to Co. Clare when I was 3 years old. I remember being told as a child that God was real and that He loved me and graciously, I believed that right away! God has always been a reality for me and I've understood most everything that I've experienced through the worldview that He is interested and active in my life. In 2017, I started working in missions through Youth With a Mission (YWAM) in Salem, Oregon in the States. I joined staff with YWAM full time in 2019 and stayed in Oregon until late 2023 when I returned to Ireland. During my time in missions, I developed a deeper love for scripture and teaching, working primarily in Bible Education and training. My passion is to see people equipped and supported to grow in their confidence to read, interpret and apply scripture in their own lives and communities. My hope is to continue that work through my time with Scripture Union as a Youth Development Worker - to see the nation of Ireland transformed by the Word of God!

  • Hey my name is Hannah, I have just started this role with Scripture Union in January and have jumped into creating this online SU Inspire with Sharon!

    A little about me I was blessed to grow up in Christian home, around many other families that love Jesus. I studied Graphic Design in University and have been working in Marketing and Design roles for a few years now. I have served in various ministry roles and currently co-lead a weekly youth group for teenagers! Sure what else would you be doing on a Friday night!

    I am really excited about this opportunity to be in a role where I can use my combine my design skills and work for the kingdom!

Madi Smith Youth Development Worker

I joined the team for the summer of 2022 to assist in camps and then joined the Youth Development Team officially in March of 2023. I am a missionary with New International and am privileged to serve Scripture Union in that capacity. I'm from a little town in Missouri in the United States and have been dreaming of doing ministry in Ireland since 2015. I love introducing young people to Jesus and am so excited to see how that continues in my ministry with Scripture Union.


Chairperson of SU Council


Ovoca Manor Update