Resources to suit your group.
Scripture Union Ireland (NUA FILMS) have produced a variety of resources that we hope will be able to help you in your area of ministry and enhance the work of leaders and volunteers. In recent years we have benefitted from the very generous support of donors to produce resources that serve youth ministry both for schools and churches. We are fully committed to continuing this work and creating relevant resources whilst also reviving innovative resources from past SU workers.
NUA:EASTER - this free 3 part video series brings the viewer on a very unique and entertaining journey that highlights the meaning of the incredible events of Easter.
NUA:CHRISTMAS - this free 3 part video series provides a fresh perspective on the First Christmas and explores why it matters for us today.
NUA:MOVE - A brand NEW 3 part series helping those leaving primary education make the BIG Move to secondary school!
NUA:ORIGINS - challenges young people on the core matters of the Christian Faith and helps them decide how their faith applies to their own situations.

LUKE THE BOOK - is a joint initiative between the National Bible Society of Ireland and Scripture Union Ireland. Based on Luke’s Gospel, this DVD series brings the story alive through 10 Bible animations, interactive games, puzzles and questions, along with a supporting Teacher’s/Parent’s Resource Booklet. Fill out the contact form below and include your postal address and we will post you this free resource.
NUA Fresh Perspective - is all about exploration, an 8 part film series that encourages questions, acknowledges doubt, and offers an engaging perspective on the Christian faith.
INSPIRE (Yearly Digital Mag) - provides readers with the most recent news and updates from the ministry work of SU Ireland.
Contact us.
If you would like further information on any of our resources or advice on how to use them effectively within your group, then please get in touch with the SU Ireland resource team. We would love to hear from you.
Email: resources@scriptureunion.ie
Office Telephone: +353 (0402) 35369
Postal Address: Ovoca Manor, Avoca Co. Wicklow Y14 TE27